Thursday, May 6, 2010

Me made may

And then there was Me-Made-May. I meant to post about this earlier, like three weeks ago when I was overly crazy stressed out and then didn't. So I am participating in Me-Made-May, the lite and self tailored version. Me-Made-May for me is going to be more about getting my butt in gear and making stuff rather than wearing only what I have as my collection is quite paltry.

add one pair of socks and a few pieces of jewelry to this. subtract the tree dress because it is unwearable (but I have a plan for it) and the black skirt because it needs to be taken in.

This is me on May 1. I thought I would start out on the right foot even though I had done no preparation whatsoever.

I made this necklace in high school. I always get tons on compliments on it and it is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. I never wear jewelry. I have yet to wear anything else me-made. BUT over the weekend I made myself some beauty supplies.

That counts right? I made some rosemary apple cider vinegar detangler and some brown sugar and honey scrub.

Be sure and check out the Me-Made-May Flickr Group and check out the final list of participants with links to their blogs. And also be sure to check back here for more of me in my me-mades but don't hold your breath on that one. :)


Uta said...

I think your collection looks lovely. A good ratio of neutral versus soft colors. The blouse and bustier dress make me wish for a small print fabric in my collection!

Lily said...

Gorgeous necklace. I also never wear jewellery. I love it, but I'm terrible at accessorising... and I have so few clothes that jewellery seems very low on my priority list!!

Good luck for May!